At Horse and Rider Insurance Direct
we provide generous cover for you and your horse at a price you'll love
know that your horse requires a lot of attention and care and this
unfortunately means they are not the most economical pets available.
The last thing you wish to worry about is the cost of medical treatment
should you horse fall ill. This is where we like to think we can give
you the peace of mind you need. We work with a very select panel of
Insurers to provide generous cover at some of the most competative
premiums available to ensure that you can concentrate on
nursing your horse back to health, and not on your bank balance.
Each policy is tailor made for your requirements, whether you are looking for a Policy that insures your horse for it's value, looking for cover for Veterinary expenses, just looking for the liability cover...or all three! We will discuss your requirements in detail with you and we will provide you with all the information you need to make a decision about what Policy is right for you. Our Insurers also calculate the premium based upon the level of work the horse partakes in, so you won't be paying for types of riding you do not do.
The cover available is not only limited to the horse. We also offer cover for horse trailers and a variety of horse drawn carriages.
At Horse and Rider Insurance Direct, our success is the result of offering cheap high quality insurance policies that people love as much as their horse! We understand the importance of buying the best for you and your horse. We are horse lovers too! And after over 40 successful years we've discovered that finding the right insurance at the right price is not only important, it's everything. Talk to an Equine Insurance Specialist, not a call centre.
Why do I need to insure my horse?
Unlike motor insurance and the like, Horse Insurance is not necessarily required by law. However, as with any other type of non-compulsory insurance, you are taking on a big risk by not insuring. Horses bring love and joy into our lives, however should veterinary attention be required, be it for an injury or an illness, costs can spiral rapidly. For example, if your horse has the misfortune of suffering a colic epispode, colic surgery and associated veterinary care will costs thousands of pounds. Even if he just cuts himself on a fence in the field, after you add up the costs of veterinary visits, treatemnt, bandaging, antibacterial medication, you are looking at a hefty sum. If the Vet is required to come and attend to your horse out of hours (when you think about it, this is as likely as it is not), you can double any normal attendance costs. Are you comfortable you can afford all of that? Like you, we hope that nothing ever happens to your horse, however we are there to help if the worst does happen.
It isn't just veterinary treatment you need think about either. Third Party Liability cover is essential and you need to make sure you are covered, however unlikely you think an incident may be. Should any person be injured or property be damaged by your horse and you are shown to be negligent, you could find yourself looking at tens of thousands of pounds to pay. Check with the venues where you keep or ride your horse as they may well insist on third party liability cover.